Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Checklist Before Installing Solar Power In Your Adelaide Home.

We have an in depth discussion at Solar Power Adelaide ,http://solarpoweradelaidev.com.au/ at what you should look for and what selection processes you should consider when choosing to go for a solar panel system in your Adelaide home.

Key Points Include:

- Solar Panels must be north facing
- Solar Panel tilt must be around 25 degrees
- Ensure that there is no shading cast onto your solar panels from surrounding trees.
- Only consider using C.E.C. Adelaide accredited solar installers
- We suggest solar panels like Suntech ,konergy,Kyocera,Sharp . In other words quality solar panels that will have support if any issues arrive.
- The same goes for the solar inverter. We like SMA which has an excellent track record of reliability in Australia.
Get all quotes in writing and get all warranties for the solar panels,inverter and the workmanship in writing.

Solar Power Adelaide- Feed In Tariff Decreasing 1 October 2011

The solar feed in tariff in Adelaide , South Australia is dropping to 16 cents on 1 October 2011. This means that the payback period for home solar power installations will be effectively longer than currently. Adelaide solar installation companies are run off their feet as they try and complete paper work and solar power installations before this date. Solar panel installations in Adelaide have ben so popular that Soth Australia has reached its 20 percent Renewable Energy target already

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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Solar Inverters Failing in Adelaide

As we mentioned on the solar power Adelaide  web page many of the solar installers in Adelaide are using ow cost Chinese manufactured solar inverters-the device that converts the DC electricity generated by the PV (photovoltaic) solar panels to AC electricity. It seems , unfortunately that many of these inverters are now failing , because the electronics is either over heating or they are not proving to be fully weather proof. Many solar power systems have not been producing the electricity their owners hoped for because although their solar panels produce plenty of solar electricity, the solar inverter has failed to covert that energy to AC power.

More details on Adelaide solar power at  http://solarpoweradelaidev.com.au/

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Solar Power Adelaide. Solar Panel Update For Adelaide South Australia

The solar power industry is booming in Adelaide , South Australia as people try and get their solar power system installed by 1 October 2011 .This is the date when the solar feed in tariff will be reduced . Because the solar feed in tariff is currently paying 44 cents in Adelaide the solar panel industry cannot keep up with the enquiry rate. We believe there is a chance that solar installers will find the solar market very much quieter after the 1 October deadline for the feed in tariff passes.

More details at http://solarpoweradelaidev.com.au/

Pictured above are a range of PV  (photo voltaic solar panels) ranginging from 80 watts right up to 250 watts. The 250 watt solar panel is becoming very popular amongst solar installers in Adelaide currently

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